
A mostrar mensagens de dezembro, 2017

Who is the Shadow Monster? (Stranger Things theory)

Hello, dear humans and fellow aliens! Today, I decided to write this theory about “Stranger Things”. I don’t want you to think I focus only on cartoons and animes (and whatever “Avatar” is, half of the people I know call it “anime” and the other half calls it “cartoon”, I have yet to create a word that expresses a fusion of the two), so I am writing about a show in which the characters are actual people. For starters, let me tell you that I like “Stranger Things”. I’m not crazy about it, I just think it’s cool and funny. So, let’s start! We all know the second season’s antagonist, the Mind Flayer or Shadow Monster. He is an almighty creature from the Upside Down with the ability to control the minds of other creatures, like Will and the Demodogs, and do whatever he wants with them. At first, I thought its existence completely disproved the common theory that Eleven is actually the Demogorgon, but then I looked further. For those of you who don’t know the “Eleven is the...

How many people died? (Death Note theory)

Greetings, dear humans and fellow aliens! This was going to be a theory about L’s real name, based on statistics and such things. While doing my research, I stumbled across “The Los Angeles BB Murder Cases”. In order to get some more information about who L might be, I read it. It wasn’t in vain, even though the term “thumb turn lock” is stuck in my head. I learned a new thing! So, back to the main topic, I was going to make a theory about L’s real name but not anymore. The “Los Angeles BB Murder Cases” states that L had so many names and pseudonyms that even he didn’t know what his name was. You might think that’s weird, but it works really good. That guy had hundreds of alternative names (I’m not kidding, it’s written, it’s a fact). Therefore, I decided to try and determine how many people were killed by the Death Note. In “Death Note 13”, we see that Light was active as Kira from November 28 of 2003 and May 25 of 2004, before he passes the notebook to Higuchi...

Which is the best kind of bending? (Avatar - The Last Airbender theory)

Hello, dear humans and fellow aliens! Today, I am going to discuss the series “Avatar: The Last Airbender” (sorry if you thought it was the movie “Avatar” with those blue creatures) to know which is the most practical kind of bending. To clarify, I won’t consider the regional sub-bendings, like sandbending or bloodbending, or those that not all benders can do, like lightening, “sensing the earth” or metalbending. I will only talk about bare bending, because all of the benders can do it. So, let’s start! 4. Earthbending  Before you think I am jumping into conclusions, let me say a thing. We never really see any average earthbenders. Toph has her powers of “sensing the earth” that she acquired from learning with the original earthbenders and she can also metalbend. Her daughters are amazing metalbenders, those men Toph fought have special combat training and Bolin is a lavabender. So, to see how an average eart...

Bill Cipher is alive (Gravity Falls theory)

Hello, dear humans and fellow aliens! Today, I am going to present you with a theory about Gravity Falls. I know that, as a new theorist, I shouldn’t begin there but this came to me the other day and I had to post it. Let’s begin, then! I am going to prove to you that the main antagonist in the series “Gravity Falls” did not die. He is still alive and well inside one of our most beloved character’s mind. According to my theory, Bill Cipher resides inside the mind of Stanley Pines or Grunkle Stan. It may seem an odd thing to say, but I will explain my opinion to you. Before jumping to conclusions, let’s review what we know about Bill. He is classified as a “dream demon”. That means that he isn’t material, he is an ethereal being that can only contact people when they are unconscious or when he is summoned. He can only enter a person’s mind and control their body once they agree with it and make a deal. When he possesses a host, their eyes turn yellow with an elongated pupil...