
A mostrar mensagens de março, 2018

Not the Last Airbender? ("Avatar - The Last Airbender" Theory)

Hello, dear humans and fellow aliens! It’s good to analyse a children’s TV series again. There’s something refreshing and reassuring about the calm of a kids’ show, knowing your soul won’t be crushed by characters’ early deaths (probably). Whatever, today, I decided to talk about “Avatar – The Last Airbender”. From the first moment I watched this series, I thought “I’ll theorize the hell out of this”. And here I am, the second post about this show, an honour only “Death Note” has ever had in this blog (and possibly “Gravity Falls” in the future, stay tuned). Also, let’s celebrate, because THIS is my TENTH THEORY. It’s a special number to me (even though my favourite numbers are 9 and 7, which sort of align with the one I put more work into and the one I really liked researching, respectively). Anyway. You’re probably as sick of the introduction as I am, let’s get to the point. Today, we’ll be discussing Sparky-sparky Boom Man. I’m so glad this isn’t a video because I w...

How are Shinigami born? ("Death Note" Theory)

Greetings, dear humans and fellow humans! You might have clicked this post because you really want to know how to become a god of death and never die. You might want to survive by killing humans. Hey, I can’t blame you, I respect your will to survive after death. Or maybe you’re just curious about the creation of Shinigami in the anime “Death Note”. If you’re here for the first one, I am sorry to inform you. It’s either something you’re born with or a great deal of luck and coincidence. We’ll see what you think at the end. So, since the release of “Death Note Relight: Visons of a God”, a theory arose. In the beginning and ending scenes of that same movie, there was a strange unnamed Shinigami who people thought was a reincarnation of Light Yagami. This is kind of a controversial theory because of the concept of the MU, where humans go after they die, and the fact that it in no way contradicts the quote “A human who’s used the Death Note can neither g...